Monday, June 30, 2008

Item 6 - Mash-ups and 3rd Party Sites

I like the trading card feature best. I can see so many possible uses for it. I made a trading card showing Lucky, one of the two red-earred slider turtles that live in our school habitat. I think the children would really enjoy making trading cards for planets, animals, folk heroes, invented super heroes, book characters, jokes/riddle cards, biographies, family members, pets, etc.

It looks like a project that could be done with collaboration amongst the classroom teacher, the librarian, and the technology teacher. One problem at my school is the lack of a color printer for teachers and students to use. Perhaps they have gotten more affordable. We'll have to look into it. There are so many cool pictures and images that students and teachers will want to print and utilize.

I would like to add the trading card to this blog, but I don't know how. I've saved it to my desktop until I can figure out how to move/copy it into the blog. It's very frustrating - clearly it can be done. I have admired other bloggers trading cards. It eludes me.

And then, just when I'm giving up, since it's almost 2 am and I'm sooo impatient - it works and the trading card appears. I don't know that I could do that transfer again, but I'm happy it finally came through!

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