Saturday, July 19, 2008

Item 20 You Tube, Teacher Tube and Zamzar

I have limited enthusiasm for these resources. While there is no shortage of videos available, the quality and applicability of what is available is a limiting factor. I searched Texas librarians with You Tube and the results had little to do with that topic. Similar searches yielded less than outstanding data. I spent some time searching Teacher Tube for topics I know will be covered in the first nine weeks of school and I didn't find anything I was enthusiastic about. That's not to say that there aren't great videos in those resources, just that I sometimes have trouble finding ones that are of value to me. I looked at several videos using You Tube and found little that I would want to use in the classroom. I tend to favor using United Streaming or ordering videos that are made for specific school topics (like the Schlessinger videos). The geography video about the 50 capitals is okay but it seems like a lot of hassle to set that up for very little boon.

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